Friday, November 12, 2010

when you know better...... should do better.

I was told that as a youth growing up, and now reflecting on these same words thinking to myself that as a grown man I need to take these words into consideration and not just to remember them but to APPLY them. I'm not a perfect man, and I never tried to be. I know I've made more than my share of mistakes, broken promises, and betrayed trust of the one who i've loved dearly for the past 13 years to the month. And for what? What did secrecy, and not being up front do for me...or the relationship besides bring back the hurt that was caused by me for making the same mistake previously?

which goes back to the title.....

and hearing the voice of my mother, and my grandfather saying these words. They're both not here because they both passed away but their advise comes back to my mind. Sadly a little too late after I failed to use common sense that God gave me and now things are startin to fall apart. But at the end of the day it's all on me

hopefully things get better, and if you read this even if you dont comment, say a few words in a prayer

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