Saturday, October 30, 2010


...I woke up that morning and cut on the news to find out about the murder of Jason "Jam Master Jay" Mizell, and first think ing that it was a sick joke. Because seriously it was a known occurence to hear rappers getting shot (not like it was ok) but around that time you would hear this rapper was shot, and that rapper was shot 9 times, and so on.

As for DJ's it was rare, in fact the last dj that was killed (unnecessarily) was BDP's DJ Scott "La Rock" Sterling back in August 1987. thus bringing up the question who would do this to JMJ and why? I dont know the answer to neither, but I do know hip hop ans the community of dj's and turntablists alike suffered a major loss hearing of the untimely death of one of the few DJ's that inspired a nation of young men (including myself) and young women to learn and practice the craft of blends, cuttin and of course scratchin.

you are still missed


1 comment:

  1. J A Y are the letters of his name...
    Cutting and scratching are the aspects of his game...
    So check out the Master as he cuts these jams...
    And look at us with the mics in our hands...

    RIP JMJ!!
