I never was a big "soul food" eater, and before sum'a yawl with the dumb questions: "what? ALL black people eat soul food, whats wrong with you?" and my personal favorite: "you sure you black?"
Imma add a brief side note right quick...(Before I came to know God both dumb questions would have recieved an even more ig'nant reply laced with more than a few cusswords.)
But anyway back to the story. As we all know every holiday from New Years day, all the way back to Christmas families gather together to that one house that hosts with a huge meal prepared for the friends and family invited (or not invited, but show up anyway. But that's another topic for another blog LOL). And that meal consists of the following
Greens (collard or mustard)
Sweet Potaoes
cranberry sauce
.....and the Dressing
I think I named all the foods right? Oh wait I almost forgot the Chitterlings, aka Chit'lins aka NASTEE than 2 muggs. Some may ask "How can you think they're nasty? Don't you know this is a delicasy for black people?" As my wife asked me whe she cooked some when we was first married and I repeatedly declined. But she insisted and I tried it and my theory was right.

even with hot sauce, as my wife said to put on it but guess what? that aint help either Because now they taste like s**t with hot sauce on it.
Now I'm aware of the fact that when our ancestors were enslaved, they pretty much had little to no choice to what they ate, so they had to make something from nothing, which was the scraps from the food that the slave masters didnt want. And I also know If I had lived back then more than likely either I'd be eatin that mess along with em but then lookin the way I look I might have been in the house.
(judge me if you want to LOL)
But Let me say this much, being that I dont like "soul food" does not make me any less "black" and I thank God for the strength of our forefathers that paid a price and sacrificed so much so generations later we would have to. So in the meantime I'll watch the clock and pariently wait until the soul food season is over, of at least until the next one and the STANK of the chit'lins is out my house.
I can't STAND chit'lins. I mean I like some soul food. I love my mama's macaroni and sometimes I eat greens....but mostly I don't eat much. That is why I like going to my MIL's for the holidays. Because we don't really celebrate them like everyone else we go to her house because she always makes a big dinner, but nothing like the turkey and dressing you usually see.
ReplyDeleteThis year she did "carribean food". Which means we had jerk chicken and stuff. Last year it was Italian (lasagna, pizza, etc.). The year before that it was seafood. She always does something different. Not the same ole slave....I mean soul food everyone swears you have to eat when you are black.
P.S. - I would been wit you in the house. I mean I ain't yella or nuttin but I woulda been a house negro like a mugg LOL
Invite me next year Cris, I'd love to try sumthin different. I forgot to add this part to the blog...When I was a young Beezilla my mom used to cook the same "traditional soul food menu" but we (my brothers & sisters) didnt like it/wouldnt eat it. So one year she asked "well what do yall want?" The older brother & sisters said: can we have bbq? She said ok, and brushed the snow off the Grill and fixed hotlinks, burgers & ribs for Christmas dinner
ReplyDeleteThis is probably why I bbq in the winter so much LOL