1.) he's been dj'in like forever
2.) he loves hip hop, and he's been dj'in like forever (or at least since High School)
and If you would have asked me then I'd tell you that this (DJ'in, turntablism) was my calling in other words i was born to do this....
special shout out to my youngest daughter Jasmyne recording that clip of me practicing late one Friday night LOL
....but back to the topic, Ive been dj'ing since sophmore year (1987) and since then my life has taken a few turns mainly for the better. Most recently I recieved the blessing from my bishop to be in charge of a small Mission out in Elgin, Illinois(part of my church)last year, and recently we've have lately renting a place to worship for the time being, until God willing we have the means to purchase a Church out there (Elgin/Streamwood area). Which for the most part is a lot of work in itself.
I'm totally aware of the fact many of yall will say "but B, you love spinnin" and yeah you're right LOL. But does that mean I love spinnin more than God?
Imma be honest, I started out as a hobby, just for fun, and then later would make money off it. It wasn't consistent but it became a very lucrative side hustle that always came in handy for a young brother workin at various high volume fast food chains, you know like.....


...making only $5 an hour mind you but I'm grateful I had that because it kept me and my brother off the street and out of trouble. But back to the story I honestly thought that was my talent, my calling if you will but then with the change of events in my life within the past few years i'm starting to see that that music was more of a stepping stone as opposed to what I thought my calling "was" and, what it really "is"
theres a setence in Hi-Tek's joint "God's plan" that comes to mind as I type this when young buck said:
"There is NO man who can stop God's Plan"
We all have our things that we have to experience because it is in God's plan. I don't want to put my husband out there, but ask Dusty his story and how he ended up preachin?!?!?! on God knows.
ReplyDeleteThank God that you understand what stepping stones are as opposed to some people who will stay in things for the rest of their lives and never grow.
God bless you my brother....you are an inspiration.
Thanks sis. I think thats how me and Dusty got cool, we got similar backgrounds, went to the same school (just a 9 year difference LOL) and God got us both goin in similar directions