this song has A LOT of sentimental meaning to me. Remembering as a child maybe 4 or 5 years old my mom woke me and my younger sisters up to go to my aunt's house while she worked & went to school, and every morining at 5 I'd hear this on the clock radio.....
And the lyrics had so much meaning behind them....
(Be-e-e-e-e-e Grateful)
(Be-e-e-e-e-e Grateful)
God has not promised me sunshine
That's not the way it's going to be
But a little rain (A little rain)
Mixed with God's sunshine
A little pain (A little pain)
Makes me appreciate thegood times
God desires to feel your longing
Every pain that you feel
He feels them just like you (Just like you)
But he had to die to make you feel only good (Only good)
Then you can appreciate the good times
Be-e-e-e-e-e Grateful) Be Grateful
Because there's someone else who's worse off than you
Be Grateful (Be Grateful)
Because there's someone else who'd love to be in your shoes
but this was more than just a song (at least to me) but one of the many life lessons my mom always taught to me and the rest of my brothers and sisters throughout our life until her untimely passing back in Feb, 2009
be grateful in everything
even though she's not here to read this, I hope she knew that I was listening when she was always tellin me the same thing that the Hawkins Singers was try'na to tell us in their song....
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Holiday Dinner, the good, the bad, and the NASTY!!!
you know what I hate about Holidays? The food.
I never was a big "soul food" eater, and before sum'a yawl with the dumb questions: "what? ALL black people eat soul food, whats wrong with you?" and my personal favorite: "you sure you black?"
Imma add a brief side note right quick...(Before I came to know God both dumb questions would have recieved an even more ig'nant reply laced with more than a few cusswords.)
But anyway back to the story. As we all know every holiday from New Years day, all the way back to Christmas families gather together to that one house that hosts with a huge meal prepared for the friends and family invited (or not invited, but show up anyway. But that's another topic for another blog LOL). And that meal consists of the following
Greens (collard or mustard)
Sweet Potaoes
cranberry sauce
.....and the Dressing
I think I named all the foods right? Oh wait I almost forgot the Chitterlings, aka Chit'lins aka NASTEE than 2 muggs. Some may ask "How can you think they're nasty? Don't you know this is a delicasy for black people?" As my wife asked me whe she cooked some when we was first married and I repeatedly declined. But she insisted and I tried it and my theory was right.

even with hot sauce, as my wife said to put on it but guess what? that aint help either Because now they taste like s**t with hot sauce on it.
Now I'm aware of the fact that when our ancestors were enslaved, they pretty much had little to no choice to what they ate, so they had to make something from nothing, which was the scraps from the food that the slave masters didnt want. And I also know If I had lived back then more than likely either I'd be eatin that mess along with em but then lookin the way I look I might have been in the house.
(judge me if you want to LOL)
But Let me say this much, being that I dont like "soul food" does not make me any less "black" and I thank God for the strength of our forefathers that paid a price and sacrificed so much so generations later we would have to. So in the meantime I'll watch the clock and pariently wait until the soul food season is over, of at least until the next one and the STANK of the chit'lins is out my house.
I never was a big "soul food" eater, and before sum'a yawl with the dumb questions: "what? ALL black people eat soul food, whats wrong with you?" and my personal favorite: "you sure you black?"
Imma add a brief side note right quick...(Before I came to know God both dumb questions would have recieved an even more ig'nant reply laced with more than a few cusswords.)
But anyway back to the story. As we all know every holiday from New Years day, all the way back to Christmas families gather together to that one house that hosts with a huge meal prepared for the friends and family invited (or not invited, but show up anyway. But that's another topic for another blog LOL). And that meal consists of the following
Greens (collard or mustard)
Sweet Potaoes
cranberry sauce
.....and the Dressing
I think I named all the foods right? Oh wait I almost forgot the Chitterlings, aka Chit'lins aka NASTEE than 2 muggs. Some may ask "How can you think they're nasty? Don't you know this is a delicasy for black people?" As my wife asked me whe she cooked some when we was first married and I repeatedly declined. But she insisted and I tried it and my theory was right.

even with hot sauce, as my wife said to put on it but guess what? that aint help either Because now they taste like s**t with hot sauce on it.
Now I'm aware of the fact that when our ancestors were enslaved, they pretty much had little to no choice to what they ate, so they had to make something from nothing, which was the scraps from the food that the slave masters didnt want. And I also know If I had lived back then more than likely either I'd be eatin that mess along with em but then lookin the way I look I might have been in the house.
(judge me if you want to LOL)
But Let me say this much, being that I dont like "soul food" does not make me any less "black" and I thank God for the strength of our forefathers that paid a price and sacrificed so much so generations later we would have to. So in the meantime I'll watch the clock and pariently wait until the soul food season is over, of at least until the next one and the STANK of the chit'lins is out my house.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
stepping stones
ask anybody that know me and they'll tell you either....
1.) he's been dj'in like forever
2.) he loves hip hop, and he's been dj'in like forever (or at least since High School)
and If you would have asked me then I'd tell you that this (DJ'in, turntablism) was my calling in other words i was born to do this....
special shout out to my youngest daughter Jasmyne recording that clip of me practicing late one Friday night LOL
....but back to the topic, Ive been dj'ing since sophmore year (1987) and since then my life has taken a few turns mainly for the better. Most recently I recieved the blessing from my bishop to be in charge of a small Mission out in Elgin, Illinois(part of my church)last year, and recently we've have lately renting a place to worship for the time being, until God willing we have the means to purchase a Church out there (Elgin/Streamwood area). Which for the most part is a lot of work in itself.
I'm totally aware of the fact many of yall will say "but B, you love spinnin" and yeah you're right LOL. But does that mean I love spinnin more than God?
Imma be honest, I started out as a hobby, just for fun, and then later would make money off it. It wasn't consistent but it became a very lucrative side hustle that always came in handy for a young brother workin at various high volume fast food chains, you know like.....


...making only $5 an hour mind you but I'm grateful I had that because it kept me and my brother off the street and out of trouble. But back to the story I honestly thought that was my talent, my calling if you will but then with the change of events in my life within the past few years i'm starting to see that that music was more of a stepping stone as opposed to what I thought my calling "was" and, what it really "is"
theres a setence in Hi-Tek's joint "God's plan" that comes to mind as I type this when young buck said:
"There is NO man who can stop God's Plan"
1.) he's been dj'in like forever
2.) he loves hip hop, and he's been dj'in like forever (or at least since High School)
and If you would have asked me then I'd tell you that this (DJ'in, turntablism) was my calling in other words i was born to do this....
special shout out to my youngest daughter Jasmyne recording that clip of me practicing late one Friday night LOL
....but back to the topic, Ive been dj'ing since sophmore year (1987) and since then my life has taken a few turns mainly for the better. Most recently I recieved the blessing from my bishop to be in charge of a small Mission out in Elgin, Illinois(part of my church)last year, and recently we've have lately renting a place to worship for the time being, until God willing we have the means to purchase a Church out there (Elgin/Streamwood area). Which for the most part is a lot of work in itself.
I'm totally aware of the fact many of yall will say "but B, you love spinnin" and yeah you're right LOL. But does that mean I love spinnin more than God?
Imma be honest, I started out as a hobby, just for fun, and then later would make money off it. It wasn't consistent but it became a very lucrative side hustle that always came in handy for a young brother workin at various high volume fast food chains, you know like.....


...making only $5 an hour mind you but I'm grateful I had that because it kept me and my brother off the street and out of trouble. But back to the story I honestly thought that was my talent, my calling if you will but then with the change of events in my life within the past few years i'm starting to see that that music was more of a stepping stone as opposed to what I thought my calling "was" and, what it really "is"
theres a setence in Hi-Tek's joint "God's plan" that comes to mind as I type this when young buck said:
"There is NO man who can stop God's Plan"
Saturday, December 18, 2010
joints you aint heard in a while...its beautiful
"....I see a black man aimin' his gun
But I'd rather see a black man claimin' his son
You know the sound is pretty
Even when you got to get down and gritty
This is money in the bank like you down wit' Diddy
This a helicopter ride around the city
And we love it cuz it brought us here
It's like a young mother braidin' her daughter's hair
It's beautiful"
But I'd rather see a black man claimin' his son
You know the sound is pretty
Even when you got to get down and gritty
This is money in the bank like you down wit' Diddy
This a helicopter ride around the city
And we love it cuz it brought us here
It's like a young mother braidin' her daughter's hair
It's beautiful"
The Boss! the name of one of my favorite insturmentals *clears tho'at* pardom me Petestrumentals thats normally played coming home from work. Enjoy.
I havent been able to play it lately because of the car situation. Yep, the 02 Dodge Intrepid died on me after 8 years and 170,200 miles later it couldnt take much more so I just got a 98 Buick LeSabre that runs excellent...but theres one small issue
it came with a tapedeck O__o so I cant play my just got off work CD LOL, at least until I can thow a CD face off in that demo
stay tuned for other joints I play after a hard day of work dealin with a bus load filled to capacity of middle school first and then elementary school chil'lins
I havent been able to play it lately because of the car situation. Yep, the 02 Dodge Intrepid died on me after 8 years and 170,200 miles later it couldnt take much more so I just got a 98 Buick LeSabre that runs excellent...but theres one small issue
it came with a tapedeck O__o so I cant play my just got off work CD LOL, at least until I can thow a CD face off in that demo
stay tuned for other joints I play after a hard day of work dealin with a bus load filled to capacity of middle school first and then elementary school chil'lins
Thursday, December 16, 2010
It was on a Friday......
.....a few weeks ago, coming back from my rheumatologist appointment at the University of Chicago. On the way to the crib I stopped at my favorite fast food spot Checkers...(the last one left in the Chi at that) for 2 of my favorite things, a spicy chicken sammich and a medium fry
and if any of you been to that Checkers on 55th/Dan Ryan you know in and around the drive th'u you're going to see one of the 3 individuals that im going to mention
1 the dude selling socks and incense
2.that rapper tryna sell a wack mixtape/album
3.the hype out there straight beggin (sometimes they'll clean your windows tho)
and yeah sometimes I throw em a couple of singles when I can...but sometimes I don't (just being honest, dont judge me) And this day in particlular I wasnt at first, but there was this man.....and his son at the drive th'u, and I thought, I'm sure its hard enough for him to be out here askin for somebody....anybody to tey and buy him something to eat but having his son (around 3 or 4 years old mind you) with him and seeing car after car play them both like they was invisible really got to me. Mainly for the fact that seeing the child despite the situation still kept a smile on his face. In this type of situation I didnt think i just said hol' up, I'll get something for yall.
At the time I didnt think of this verse but a short while later it came to me
Matthew 25;35 "...For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me"
I havent been back to Checkers since that day back in November but I hope and pray that things turned around for that man and his son. But it also made me stop and recognize the many blessings God gave me and my family.
To be honest I wasn't gonna blog about this because I really didn't want to make it look like I was thirsty for attention, or even worse put myself out there like "yeah look what I did, wheres my Nobel peace prize at" but then I thought why not, maybe one day just like it happened to me, It may happen to you and you just might be presented with a similar scenario and may have to make a similar choice, and perhaps these words may sway you the reader to do like that Spike Lee joint from 1989
do the right thing......
and if any of you been to that Checkers on 55th/Dan Ryan you know in and around the drive th'u you're going to see one of the 3 individuals that im going to mention
1 the dude selling socks and incense
2.that rapper tryna sell a wack mixtape/album
3.the hype out there straight beggin (sometimes they'll clean your windows tho)
and yeah sometimes I throw em a couple of singles when I can...but sometimes I don't (just being honest, dont judge me) And this day in particlular I wasnt at first, but there was this man.....and his son at the drive th'u, and I thought, I'm sure its hard enough for him to be out here askin for somebody....anybody to tey and buy him something to eat but having his son (around 3 or 4 years old mind you) with him and seeing car after car play them both like they was invisible really got to me. Mainly for the fact that seeing the child despite the situation still kept a smile on his face. In this type of situation I didnt think i just said hol' up, I'll get something for yall.
At the time I didnt think of this verse but a short while later it came to me
Matthew 25;35 "...For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me"
I havent been back to Checkers since that day back in November but I hope and pray that things turned around for that man and his son. But it also made me stop and recognize the many blessings God gave me and my family.
To be honest I wasn't gonna blog about this because I really didn't want to make it look like I was thirsty for attention, or even worse put myself out there like "yeah look what I did, wheres my Nobel peace prize at" but then I thought why not, maybe one day just like it happened to me, It may happen to you and you just might be presented with a similar scenario and may have to make a similar choice, and perhaps these words may sway you the reader to do like that Spike Lee joint from 1989
do the right thing......
Friday, November 12, 2010
when you know better...... should do better.
I was told that as a youth growing up, and now reflecting on these same words thinking to myself that as a grown man I need to take these words into consideration and not just to remember them but to APPLY them. I'm not a perfect man, and I never tried to be. I know I've made more than my share of mistakes, broken promises, and betrayed trust of the one who i've loved dearly for the past 13 years to the month. And for what? What did secrecy, and not being up front do for me...or the relationship besides bring back the hurt that was caused by me for making the same mistake previously?
which goes back to the title.....
and hearing the voice of my mother, and my grandfather saying these words. They're both not here because they both passed away but their advise comes back to my mind. Sadly a little too late after I failed to use common sense that God gave me and now things are startin to fall apart. But at the end of the day it's all on me
hopefully things get better, and if you read this even if you dont comment, say a few words in a prayer
I was told that as a youth growing up, and now reflecting on these same words thinking to myself that as a grown man I need to take these words into consideration and not just to remember them but to APPLY them. I'm not a perfect man, and I never tried to be. I know I've made more than my share of mistakes, broken promises, and betrayed trust of the one who i've loved dearly for the past 13 years to the month. And for what? What did secrecy, and not being up front do for me...or the relationship besides bring back the hurt that was caused by me for making the same mistake previously?
which goes back to the title.....
and hearing the voice of my mother, and my grandfather saying these words. They're both not here because they both passed away but their advise comes back to my mind. Sadly a little too late after I failed to use common sense that God gave me and now things are startin to fall apart. But at the end of the day it's all on me
hopefully things get better, and if you read this even if you dont comment, say a few words in a prayer
Saturday, October 30, 2010
...I woke up that morning and cut on the news to find out about the murder of Jason "Jam Master Jay" Mizell, and first think ing that it was a sick joke. Because seriously it was a known occurence to hear rappers getting shot (not like it was ok) but around that time you would hear this rapper was shot, and that rapper was shot 9 times, and so on.
As for DJ's it was rare, in fact the last dj that was killed (unnecessarily) was BDP's DJ Scott "La Rock" Sterling back in August 1987. thus bringing up the question who would do this to JMJ and why? I dont know the answer to neither, but I do know hip hop ans the community of dj's and turntablists alike suffered a major loss hearing of the untimely death of one of the few DJ's that inspired a nation of young men (including myself) and young women to learn and practice the craft of blends, cuttin and of course scratchin.
you are still missed
As for DJ's it was rare, in fact the last dj that was killed (unnecessarily) was BDP's DJ Scott "La Rock" Sterling back in August 1987. thus bringing up the question who would do this to JMJ and why? I dont know the answer to neither, but I do know hip hop ans the community of dj's and turntablists alike suffered a major loss hearing of the untimely death of one of the few DJ's that inspired a nation of young men (including myself) and young women to learn and practice the craft of blends, cuttin and of course scratchin.
you are still missed
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Love your parents with all your might and devote as much time and energy as you can to contributing to their well-being and absorbing their wisdom. You'll be more peaceful about their untimely transition if you do.
Time isn't retrievable.
-David M. Stephens
this was posted on his facebook page late last night and it inspired me to blog a little about it. Being that two of the most influental people in my life passed away. First my Grandfather who I thank God for being there at a time when a young hardhead boy like myself needed some structure and guidance from a strong male figure, and did the best he could to show me (and my brothers)how to be men.
More recently my mom passed away Feb. '09 which hit hard and as much as I wish she could come back, I am grateful for the time that God gave her, and also knowing and recognizing that the 62 years she has seen and done a lot (including being able to see her great grandbabies)
but this really isnt about me, but it is for all those that have suffered a loss of one or Both of their parents like some of my friends....
David, Matthew and Doug Stephens
Olan Kellogg
Brandy Coleman
Tanya Barksdale, Karen, Mike, Darryl, Dawn, Valerie Wells, and myself
It can be hard sometimes but with faith I believe they are someplace better than here
Time isn't retrievable.
-David M. Stephens
this was posted on his facebook page late last night and it inspired me to blog a little about it. Being that two of the most influental people in my life passed away. First my Grandfather who I thank God for being there at a time when a young hardhead boy like myself needed some structure and guidance from a strong male figure, and did the best he could to show me (and my brothers)how to be men.
More recently my mom passed away Feb. '09 which hit hard and as much as I wish she could come back, I am grateful for the time that God gave her, and also knowing and recognizing that the 62 years she has seen and done a lot (including being able to see her great grandbabies)
but this really isnt about me, but it is for all those that have suffered a loss of one or Both of their parents like some of my friends....
David, Matthew and Doug Stephens
Olan Kellogg
Brandy Coleman
Tanya Barksdale, Karen, Mike, Darryl, Dawn, Valerie Wells, and myself
It can be hard sometimes but with faith I believe they are someplace better than here
Saturday, September 4, 2010
...whats beef
....remembering this rhyme performed at the end of a dave chapelle show by Black Star (Mos Def & Talib Kweli)
Beef is not what Jay said to Nas…
Beef is when workin’ ni**as can’t find jobs
So they tryna find ni**as to rob
Tryna find bigger guns so they can finish the job
Beef is when the crack kids can’t find moms
Cause they end up inna PINE box or locked behind bars
Beef ain’t the Summer Jam for Hot 97
Beef is the cocaine and AIDS epidemic
Beef don’t come with a radio edit
Beef is when the judge is callin’ you “defendant”
Beef, it comes with a long jail sentence
Handed down to you in a few short minutes
Beef is when your girl come through for a visit
Talkin’ bout “I’m pregnant by some other ni**a”
Beef is high blood pressure and bad credit
Need a loan for your home and you’re too broke to get it
And all your little kids is doin is gettin’ bigger
You tryin not to raise ‘em around these wild ni**as
Beef is when a gold digger got ya seat and a
A manicured hand out like “pay me ni**a”
Or I’m tellin’ your wife
Or startin’ up some foul rumor that’ll ruin your life
Beef is when a gangster ain’t doin it right
Another gangster then decided what to do with his life
Beef is not what these famous ni**as do on the mic
Beef is what George Bush would do in a fight
Yeah, beef is not what Ja said to 50
Beef is more than Irv not bein here with me
When a soldier ends his life with his own gun
Beef is tryin’ to figure out what to tell his son
Beef is oil prices and geopolitics
Beef is Iraq, the West Bank, and Gaza Strip
Some beef is big and some beef is small
But what y’all call beef is not beef at all
Beef is real life happenin’ everyday
And it’s realer than them songs that you get at Kay Slay
This has been a Black Star PSA
From Mos Def, Pretty Flocko, black Dante
And the Black Star embassy, B to the K
Beef is not what Jay said to Nas…
Beef is when workin’ ni**as can’t find jobs
So they tryna find ni**as to rob
Tryna find bigger guns so they can finish the job
Beef is when the crack kids can’t find moms
Cause they end up inna PINE box or locked behind bars
Beef ain’t the Summer Jam for Hot 97
Beef is the cocaine and AIDS epidemic
Beef don’t come with a radio edit
Beef is when the judge is callin’ you “defendant”
Beef, it comes with a long jail sentence
Handed down to you in a few short minutes
Beef is when your girl come through for a visit
Talkin’ bout “I’m pregnant by some other ni**a”
Beef is high blood pressure and bad credit
Need a loan for your home and you’re too broke to get it
And all your little kids is doin is gettin’ bigger
You tryin not to raise ‘em around these wild ni**as
Beef is when a gold digger got ya seat and a
A manicured hand out like “pay me ni**a”
Or I’m tellin’ your wife
Or startin’ up some foul rumor that’ll ruin your life
Beef is when a gangster ain’t doin it right
Another gangster then decided what to do with his life
Beef is not what these famous ni**as do on the mic
Beef is what George Bush would do in a fight
Yeah, beef is not what Ja said to 50
Beef is more than Irv not bein here with me
When a soldier ends his life with his own gun
Beef is tryin’ to figure out what to tell his son
Beef is oil prices and geopolitics
Beef is Iraq, the West Bank, and Gaza Strip
Some beef is big and some beef is small
But what y’all call beef is not beef at all
Beef is real life happenin’ everyday
And it’s realer than them songs that you get at Kay Slay
This has been a Black Star PSA
From Mos Def, Pretty Flocko, black Dante
And the Black Star embassy, B to the K
black star,
Dave Chapelle rerun,
whats beef
Sunday, August 22, 2010
the do's and donts for party go-ers (part 2)
Now dont think I was just going to put the wack DJ's on blast and not speak to the party go-ers that fail to think to speak before you walk up to us dj's. I got some rules for all yall too...*clears throat*
Any good dj will have a diverse collection but your request MUST be reasonable, but use common sense though so
1. Im 37, please dont come up asking for Ray Charles and Dizzy Gilespie (that really happened)
2. If i've been playing house music and you want me to change it to hip hop It MUST be in a similar tempo (ex. I will not switch from Lil Louis "French Kiss" to Luniz "I got 5 on it")
3, please Know either the Song or the Artist, I have no clue who "Old boy" or "that song they played on WGCI this morning" (eapecially when I dont even listen to WGCI)
4. If its a family function with little kids runnin around dont ask if imma play the Young Money album when the parents that paid me spefically said DONT PLAY NO YOUNG MONEY!!!
5. dont bring no demos tawnbout, this my boy...he raw...knowing he sound like 50tyson
Any good dj will have a diverse collection but your request MUST be reasonable, but use common sense though so
1. Im 37, please dont come up asking for Ray Charles and Dizzy Gilespie (that really happened)
2. If i've been playing house music and you want me to change it to hip hop It MUST be in a similar tempo (ex. I will not switch from Lil Louis "French Kiss" to Luniz "I got 5 on it")
3, please Know either the Song or the Artist, I have no clue who "Old boy" or "that song they played on WGCI this morning" (eapecially when I dont even listen to WGCI)
4. If its a family function with little kids runnin around dont ask if imma play the Young Money album when the parents that paid me spefically said DONT PLAY NO YOUNG MONEY!!!
5. dont bring no demos tawnbout, this my boy...he raw...knowing he sound like 50tyson
the do's and dont's (for dj's...part 1)
well many of you thak know me (friends from past and present) know I've been a dj and have been spinning for quite some time...1987 to be exact. And throughout those 20+ years of spinning various genres from hip-hop, Chicago house, deep house, RNB, steppers and occasionally pop, Ive learned a few things, some on my own with trial, and error as well as from dj's either close friends of mine, radio dj's and mobile.
This past weekend I attended my 20 yr high school class reunion...BIG SHOUT TO 1990!!!
...oh where was I, oh yes my reunion and it was all love seeing so many friends that I havent seen since the summer of '90 when I graduated. The food was good and the vibe was great until......
the dj (yes the dj) would either consistently change the music, put on a hot old school deep house joint and then stop it & talk so this brings me to the title of my blog....the do's and donts (AKA the what NOT to do as a DJ)
1. DO NOT take 5 hot songs and play only 30-45 seconds of the first verse (you can really piss the crowd off with that)
2. PLEASE DO NOT blend slow songs together (Let Keith sweat finish his beggin before you put on the Isley Brothers)
3. Play songs that have matching tempos or beats per minute (Its not possible to go from "Is It all over my face" to Beastie Boys "Paul Revere" and not look like a complete idiot in the process)
4. If you have an announcement to make, its ok, say it BUT dont stop the record completely, just turn it down say what you gotta say and keep it movin
5. If youre spinnin before a 35 and older crowd please dont think they want to hear the same 8 or 9 songs that the radio played all day everyday (unless you was really tryin to clear the floor)
.....feel free to add on with comments and opinons
This past weekend I attended my 20 yr high school class reunion...BIG SHOUT TO 1990!!!
...oh where was I, oh yes my reunion and it was all love seeing so many friends that I havent seen since the summer of '90 when I graduated. The food was good and the vibe was great until......
the dj (yes the dj) would either consistently change the music, put on a hot old school deep house joint and then stop it & talk so this brings me to the title of my blog....the do's and donts (AKA the what NOT to do as a DJ)
1. DO NOT take 5 hot songs and play only 30-45 seconds of the first verse (you can really piss the crowd off with that)
2. PLEASE DO NOT blend slow songs together (Let Keith sweat finish his beggin before you put on the Isley Brothers)
3. Play songs that have matching tempos or beats per minute (Its not possible to go from "Is It all over my face" to Beastie Boys "Paul Revere" and not look like a complete idiot in the process)
4. If you have an announcement to make, its ok, say it BUT dont stop the record completely, just turn it down say what you gotta say and keep it movin
5. If youre spinnin before a 35 and older crowd please dont think they want to hear the same 8 or 9 songs that the radio played all day everyday (unless you was really tryin to clear the floor)
.....feel free to add on with comments and opinons
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Its a struggle
as some of you may have read my post on facebook, as a spiritual preparation for the Holy Supper in which my church celebrates on August 14th, I've taken it upon myself to go without a few things from the 1st of August until the 15th, and I've found out im addicted to FB. Even more than hip hop music which I have been a not just a hip hop dj but a serious fan on since I heard UTFO's Roxanne Roxanne (circa 1984)
So far Ive been rather unsuccessful, because like any addictions Its been a struggle to get around, but like that one song "we fall down, but we get up" Im gettin back up and going to try one mo gin, but i'm going to take my own advice (like I've said to many friends and family in the past) In God
besides thats what faith is based on.......right?
So far Ive been rather unsuccessful, because like any addictions Its been a struggle to get around, but like that one song "we fall down, but we get up" Im gettin back up and going to try one mo gin, but i'm going to take my own advice (like I've said to many friends and family in the past) In God
besides thats what faith is based on.......right?
Friday, April 23, 2010
In Memory of Guru
as we know Hip Hop suffered a MAJOR loss with the untimely and unexpected death of Keith "Guru" Elam. And If you know me you know GangStarr was one of my favorite hip hop groups, so its only right that I did a tribute mixtape. I know for a fact that theres been many different tributes by dj's everywhere (which is why I PURPOSELY DID NOT LISTEN or download none of em)
Its not perfect nor was it edited, I just walked up to my 1200's and started mixin ALL Guru and Premier as I remember them...NO SOLAR!!!!
zSHARE - Tribute to Guru mixtape.mp3
Its not perfect nor was it edited, I just walked up to my 1200's and started mixin ALL Guru and Premier as I remember them...NO SOLAR!!!!
zSHARE - Tribute to Guru mixtape.mp3
Sunday, March 14, 2010
zSHARE - world vibe debut _house mix_ 1.mp3
Online Radio debut!!! check me out fridays on
in case you missed it, heres my first mix for my house heads available for download NOW
zSHARE - world vibe debut _house mix_ 1.mp3
in case you missed it, heres my first mix for my house heads available for download NOW
zSHARE - world vibe debut _house mix_ 1.mp3
Sunday, February 7, 2010
special dedication memory of James J Dilla Yancey
man of the hour Intro from J. Pitts show
Yesterday - Jay Love Japan album
Go Ladies - SV
Dooinit - Common
Players _ SV
So far to Go - Dilla feat. Common
Fall in Love - SV
Creepin on you - Pay Jay album
Got it Till its Gone - Janet Jackson feat Q-Tip
Stars - jaylib
Dillagence - Busta Rhymes
Original donuts from on point blog
Big City - Dilla & Preemo (vocals)
Keep it on - SV
Timeless inst. - Illa J
mo' donuts
zSHARE - in memory of J Dilla.mp3
man of the hour Intro from J. Pitts show
Yesterday - Jay Love Japan album
Go Ladies - SV
Dooinit - Common
Players _ SV
So far to Go - Dilla feat. Common
Fall in Love - SV
Creepin on you - Pay Jay album
Got it Till its Gone - Janet Jackson feat Q-Tip
Stars - jaylib
Dillagence - Busta Rhymes
Original donuts from on point blog
Big City - Dilla & Preemo (vocals)
Keep it on - SV
Timeless inst. - Illa J
mo' donuts
zSHARE - in memory of J Dilla.mp3
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